Lost In the Fog

Photographs of the great San Francisco Bay Area

My Photo
Location: San Francisco Bay Area

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Bay Bridge on Sunny Sunday Afternoon

This shot of the Bay Bridge was taken on the Waterfront, in the area between the Ferry Building and the AT&T Baseball Park. The orange arc on top is a piece of the sculpture called scuplture called Cupid's Span, a relatively new addition to the City. I will show you more shots of that sculpture and, of course, the AT&T park, in the next couple of posts.

Ce que vous voyez est le Bay Bridge, photographié depuis le Waterfront, entre le Ferry Building et le Baseball Park AT&T. La partie orange en haut de la photo est un morceau d'une sculpture relativement récente, qui s'appelle Cupid's Span. Je vous montrerai très bientôt le Park AT&T et la scuplture en entier.

Additional shots of the sculpture, Bay Bridge, and Ferry Building.

Photos supplémentaires de la sculpture, du Bay Bridge, et duFerry Building.

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Blogger Neva said...

Just catching up on my travel through CityDaily Photo....this is a great picture....makes you wish you were there!

6:28 AM  

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